The Life Of A Refugee - A Poem by Abdulai Jalloh

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In search of safety, I fled my land’s strife,

To foreign shore, seeking a new life.

Rejected, I face a relentless quest for proof,

While injustice and fear erode my truth.

In camps on distant islands, I wait,

Fed sparingly, trapped by fate.

Denied work, my days stretch late,

In limbo’s grasp, hope dissipates.

Stranded, I long for asylum’s call,

But the path forward remains a wall.

Each day a battle, standing tall,

Yet the future remains an empty hall.

by Abdulai Jalloh

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Friday, May 17, 2024

In search of safety, I fled my land’s strife,

To foreign shore, seeking a new life.

Rejected, I face a relentless quest for proof,

While injustice and fear erode my truth.

In camps on distant islands, I wait,

Fed sparingly, trapped by fate.

Denied work, my days stretch late,

In limbo’s grasp, hope dissipates.

Stranded, I long for asylum’s call,

But the path forward remains a wall.

Each day a battle, standing tall,

Yet the future remains an empty hall.

by Abdulai Jalloh

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